Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Pick ONE of the essay topics below for your paper.

1)      Compare Truman from The Truman Show and the prisoner that is freed to view the outside world. Talk about how they were both “imprisoned,” achieved freedom through knowledge and what ends up happening to them. Use examples from the texts along with outside sources to support your thesis.

2)      Discuss three symbols (the sun, the cave, the chains, the outside world, the prisoners…to name a few) and explain what they may represent and their importance in “The Allegory of the Cave.” Use examples from the texts along with outside sources to support your thesis.

3)      Discuss the effects of Magical Stranger in Literature as seen in "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World", "The Temp" and Edward Scissorhands. Use at least two of these texts to display how a “magical stranger” comes into the lives of these people and changes how they look at themselves. Outside sources on different cultures would help answer this question. Use examples from the texts along with outside sources to support your thesis.

4)      We also discussed the importance society places on appearance when discussing "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World", "The Temp" and Edward Scissorhands. Use an example from at least two of these texts to explain how appearance played a role in their stories while discussing how important it is in today’s world. Use examples from the texts along with outside sources to support your thesis.

5)      How does Nawabdin change over the course of his story? What is like in the first half of the story and what/why does he change in the second half? How does this complicate your view of him as a character? Use examples from the texts along with outside sources to support your thesis.

6)      Pick one character from “Nawabdin,” “Heaven is Not Closed” and Captain Phillips and describe their uniqueness as characters in their respective stories. Use examples from the texts along with outside sources to support your thesis.

7)      “Heaven is Not Closed” discusses religious beliefs, educational customs, and socialization practices. Discuss at least two of these ideas and use examples from the text and outside sources to explain how that is seen in the story.

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